Thursday, November 15, 2007

Out and About!

I put an end to my self-imposed house arrest, and actually went grocery shopping today. It was kind of nice to feel like a “normal” human being again. Actually, I’ve been struggling with post-partum depression since we came home, but I seem to be past it now for the most part. I am even adjusting to the highly interrupted sleeping schedule, so I don’t feel like a zombie so much anymore. (As long as I can manage at least 7 hours before the night is through, then I’m okay.) I think the depression and the lack of sleep were closely related.

I also took Xander in for his weigh-in this afternoon. He’s up to 6lbs 5ozs. Yeah! Go Xander! The other kids are doing well, too. I feel bad that we hardly mention them in here. They all got straight A’s at the end of term a couple of weeks ago. Ryan and Rusty went to Merit Badge Pow-wow at BYU and earned (or are close to earning) some of their required merit badges. Ryan is a Star in rank now, and Rusty just earned his first class. Hard to believe that in just three weeks, Rusty will be ordained a deacon! Sam is doing Cub Scouts and is keeping us all laughing with his sweet sense of humor. Finlay is doing great in school and having fun playing with friends. (Gee, this post is starting to sound like a Christmas newsletter.) Camary and I enjoy watching Star Trek together in the evenings. Well, gotta go run kids to scouts. Until next time …

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Back to the Grindstone

See, this is why we never had a blog before. Our lives are dull. Especially now that the preemie-baby thing is pretty much over. I suppose we could just type up an entry whenever something exciting happens, and you’d get maybe one or two posts per year.

I’m back in the office again for the first time since October 10th. I realized this morning how much I really love the commute. I missed it terribly.

Xander’s doing great. He was up to 5lb 9oz (or something around that) last Thursday (or sometime around there). I think he looks most like Sam at the moment. He has the most hair any of our kids had at birth. We’re taking bets on the color of his eyes. Any chance they won’t be blue?