Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Guess it's about time to post again

Life is so exciting. Both the van and the suburban are dead, which makes getting anywhere a real challenge. Bad week, since Finlay and Camary started swimming lessons Monday and have them every morning this week and next. Today, my friend Suzette drove us and picked us up from swimming lessons. She's nice. The van engine overheated a couple of weeks ago when I drove to Orem for Finlay's eye doctor appointment. Fortunately, we were pulling into the garage when the steam started to pour out of the hood. So, I have been driving the suburban. Last Friday, when we were about to leave for Sylvia's wedding (which was nice, by the way), it wouldn't start. We jumped it with the car, and all was fine, but on Monday it was dead again. I jumped it with the van and got everyone where they needed to be, but when Camary's swimming lessons were done, I had to get someone there to jump me again. So, we jumped the suburban yesterday and used it to tow the van into the shop. Later, when we were going to take it in to a parts store to check the battery, it wouldn't even jump start, so it's probably the starter. Turns out the van's radiator fan (or some fan) went out, but luckily didn't damage the radiator or the engine. That also explains the A/C problems. They can fix it for $450, but won't get the part till Monday. They can, however, put a new starter in the Suburban tomorrow (for only $375), so all we have to do is get the burban down there tonight. We'll pray for it to jump start, but if not we'll try to tow it with Tracy's car. Towing the van made me nervous enough, so that doesn't sound too fun.

Yesterday, I drove Tracy's car back to the eye doctor's to pick up Fin's new glasses. Aren't they cute? We also stopped at the drivers license office to get Ryan his learners permit, however they were insanely busy, naturally, and Ryan had to get back home to teach a trombone lesson, so we left. Sadly, his student didn't show up. The wayward student is coming today, though. Ryan is teaching trombone for $15 a lesson. He only has one student, but he's planning to teach piano lessons, too. I think this will be a perfect way for him to earn money, since he wants to become a band teacher. Plus, he'll get to set his own hours and all. Love it!

Summer is almost over. Elementary registration is tomorrow (have to find a ride to that, too) and Jr. High registration is next week. We already registered for High School online. School starts three weeks from today, so it's time to seize the end of summer and squeeze everything we can out of it. It would help to have a car...

Ah, yes. Camary decided she didn't want to wear pigtails anymore because she doesn't want to be a pig. I suggested that we call them something else, so now instead of pigtails, she wears werewolf tails. No kidding. She loves werewolves. That scene in Harry Potter 3 where Lupin turns into a werewolf? I tried to get her out of the room, so she wouldn't be scared, and she cried, "No, I want to see the werewolf." Sometimes I think she is a werewolf. She doesn't sleep when there is a full moon. Okay, she's getting better now, but it used to be really bad. I'd think, Why isn't she sleeping tonight? Oh, yeah. Full moon. She's so funny.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Finished The Host

I suppose you want to know what I thought. Okay...

I thought it was a fresh, unique look at a well-used sci-fi theme. I mean, glowy eyes are such a cliche, but she totally pulls it off. It is well-written and the characterization is exceptional. The emotion is genuine and convincing. There are parts of the book that really drag. She can be a bit long-winded. Like, three full pages describing her walking to the bathroom?? It felt like she was really belaboring the point. Okay, she's scared. Everyone hates her. We get it already. I found the whole romance thing to be tiresome and unappealing. (*high-pitched voice* Ooo- I'm on fire when he touches me. Please. My eyes are rolling out of my head.) And the not-quite-sex scenes are over the edge in my book. Overall, though, I thought it was well done. The ending was satisfying and my feelings about the book are more positive than not.

Sylvia is getting married!

Click on the invitation to see it full size.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh, What a Big Boy

Xander hit nine months on Friday, and a tooth promptly popped out of his gums. He is doing this funny crawling method where he gets up on his hands and knees and kind of pushes himself forward by scrabbling with his toes. I'm sure he'll be doing a bona fide crawl soon. He can say "mama," but he thinks it means food. At least, he only says it when he's hungry. And I guess it's more like "mmm---ahhh," than "mama" anyway. We had to lower his crib mattress because he pulled himself up on a table leg -- only to his knees, but feet are sure to follow soon. And I put him in the 6-9 month clothes. When I see the preemie size clothes at the store, I can hardly believe he was ever that small. In case you've forgotten:
Wow, Xander -- you've come a long way, baby!


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's done at last!

The story I have been working on is finally done. It's called "Sofie and the Night Eagle." I always love to get something finished,so I just had to brag about it a little.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

God Bless America!

We had a wonderful Independence Day, as usual. I love the fourth of July, because it is just as fun as Christmas without all the work and expense! It was especially terrific to have Grandma Cindy and Papa Larry with us again this year.Tracy took the boys down at about 5:30am and saved us a parade spot. Grandma Cindy, Papa Larry, Camary, Xander and I joined them around 8:45. We ate Krispy Kremes and waited for the parade to start. It reached us about 9:30. It was a great parade. Camary liked all the princesses, Ryan liked all the marching bands, Tracy liked Glen Beck, the other boys liked the Star Wars club (they were in costume).

After the parade we had a barbecue at our house, then the kids watched "Spiderwick Chronicles" while I baked cookies and Papa, Grandma, and Camary had a nap. Later, we went down to our usual spot on the MTC field to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken, blow bubbles, play frisbee, wave around glow sticks, and (eventually), watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks show. We got home about 11:45. Camary and Xander decided to stay up until 1:30am, so it was a long, but very fun day.
I am so very grateful to live in America and enjoy the blessings of liberty.

On Saturday, we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Taylor when, oddly enough, our new dentist showed up at their front door. Turns out Dr. Jackson is James' twin brother. Small world, eh? Then we went out to dinner at Brick Oven. Mmmm. It was a sweet weekend.