Thursday, July 30, 2009

School Registration Time Again!

Woah. Only three weeks left of our summer vacation. I took Sam and Finlay to the elementary school registration today. I must say they have certainly streamlined the process this year. I was quite relieved to only have to fill out one family information card instead of five different forms three different times for each kid. Of course, there was also the Residential Survey, which I refused to fill out. For some reason that just rubs me the wrong way. The government doesn't need to know what kind of house my kids live in. I also registered Camary for preschool--three days a week this year! I'm sure she'll have a blast once again. Hard to believe that next year she'll be starting kindergarten. Of course, she only misses the deadline by two weeks, so she really should be starting this year. But it's nice to have her home with me for an extra year. Next week is Jr. High registration, and we get to just mail in the High School forms. Or even just pay online. Cool.

So, with summer winding down it's time to think about shopping for new clothes and notebooks and pencils and backpacks. I always feel a little sad and nostalgic when summer ends, though I know the school year is filled with wonderful activities and events to look forward to. I feel the same way when the school year ends, too. My kids are growing up so fast! The years pass so quickly that I feel like I want to hold onto everything just a little bit longer, but I'm looking forward to the future at the same time. (I have actually given much thought to the thrill of becoming a grandmother, though that won't be for while yet.) How do you all feel about the end of summer?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

More summer fun stuff

"I don't know about you, but I'm all funned out." The Emperor's New Groove

Here are some pictures from the Neeley Family Reunion in Soda Springs, Idaho:

The kids ran through the sprinkler the other day. The water was cold!

We had a great time yesterday with Brooke and Jason's family, plus Denise with Megan's kids. We went on a hike up Loafer Canyon Road, ate ice cream and had a barbecue for dinner. Next week, we will hit some movies (Harry Potter anyone?) and maybe go to the zoo.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Camping Adventures and the Fourth of July

Two weeks ago, we tried to go camping up Payson Canyon. Bad idea. We left late on Friday and found no place to camp anywhere. Instead, we stopped at a picnic spot, cooked our tinfoil dinners, made s'mores and then went home.

Last week, we decided to camp on Thursday/Friday, since Tracy had Friday off for the holiday. This time we left earlier and went to Diamond Fork instead. We found a lovely camp site and had a great time.
We had a long day on the 4th. Tracy and the boys woke up at 4:30 am to go down and stake out a parade spot. Then Tracy and Ryan ran in the 10k. Way to go, guys. I showed up much later with Camary and Xander and we watched the parade with Megan and Brooke and Denise and families. Then we drove up to Megan's for a barbecue. We got dinner at KFC, and went to eat at our usual firework watching spot below the temple, but we didn't stay there, because we had tickets to the Stadium of Fire. We walked down to the stadium and enjoyed the show, though I think the screaming girls were louder than the fireworks! It was fun. We walked back to the car, and waited on the grass for about a half an hour for traffic to clear out a little and got home about 12:30am. It was a killer schedule, and I think we'll just skip the morning parade from now on.

We have a busy week of fun activities planned. Then we're off to the Neeley Reunion in Idaho for the weekend. I love summer!