Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's done at last!

The story I have been working on is finally done. It's called "Sofie and the Night Eagle." I always love to get something finished,so I just had to brag about it a little.


tiffany said...

congrats on finishing your story im so happy for you cant wait to read it. will you copy and paste the memory post from my blog yours and i will leave a memory about you. its fun. i kinda remember the spegettio thing or at least getting teased about it. i still dont like spagetti noodels with butter on it is scrumpcious

Linz said...

Yea!!!! I can't wait to read it!! (Hint hint!!)=D

Angie said...

I'll email it as soon as I get it proofread. How good a proofreader are you, Lindsay?

Linz said...

Well, I read Sofie and the Night Eagle (a few times!) And I must say - I LOVE IT!!! You really are gifted Ang!! I didn't see that you wanted me to proofread it, but I'll go read it again with that in mind. And I'll have Michael proofread it if you want. He'd do it better than I would! ;)

LOVE it Ang!!! Great job!!!!