Sunday, October 24, 2010

Xander's Birthday, Fall Break, etc...

(Blogger is driving me crazy tonight! Argh. I can't get it to do anything right!)
Xander turned 3 years old a couple of weeks ago! He thoroughly enjoys his birthday, after witnessing four others in the month beforehand. If someone wished him happy birthday, he would get angry and say, "No, it's my birthday!" Very funny. Tracy got a video clip of it, but again, I have not yet learned the secrets of video posting. Sorry. Here he is blowing out his candles. Don't look at my poor crooked, pathetic cake. It tasted good!

Over fall break, we went to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving point. All in all, we had a good time, but it was hot! I got sunburned. That's not supposed to happen in October. After Cornbelly's we took everyone out to dinner at Chuck-A-Rama. It was a fun, tiring day.

Squinting into the sun when we arrived.
A little bit lost in the corn maze.
Xander found a walking stick, er, stalk.

Most of our little piggies. 

In the world's largest rocking chair.
The boys had almost as much fun in the princess playland as Camary did.


tiffany said...

oh how fun happy birthday to xander

to upload the videos there is a video button thingy right next to the picture button thingy click on that & follow the 3 steps its easy breezy

Michelle said...

Happy Happy Birthday Xander boy!!

HA! That bottom pic is just classic. I love it!

Linz said...

That looks like fun!!

And happy birthday to Xander! He's such a cutie!