Sunday, January 11, 2009


Maybe I just don't remember, but it doesn't seem like my other kids were quite as much trouble as Xander is. That kid spends every waking moment looking for something to get into! There are so many things to unload: dishes, games, CDs, movies, books, dirt out of the plants, garbage . . . There are toilets to splash in, and toilet paper to unroll and sidewalk chalk to eat. Maybe it's because I'm older now, but it sure is tiring. Here's his latest trick:

The dish towel drawer.

The craft supply drawer.

The baggie drawer, by way of the dish towel drawer.

He's also sat in drawers in the bathroom, my bedroom, the office, and under the stove. Great fun, eh? Of course, being a tiny tornado can really take it out of you.


Linz said...

HAHAHA!! I LOVE that picture of him zonked out on the floor. Looks about right! Andrew gets into drawers too, but he hasn't crawled into them yet! Good luck with that little cutie!

Unknown said...

He is so so dang cute!! I love his curly hair. I feel for ya on the mess front. Both of my boys LOVE to pull everything out of my mixing bowls/Tupperware cabinets and hide in it. They crawl into all of our rubber made containers and the baskets. My Xander still does this and he's three... Heck, Xan crawled into one of my large pots today, Though he's too big for it. It doesn't matter to him! Funny kids!

Michelle said...

O man - i just LOVED this post. He is so SO SO SO cute! I also love the picture of him crashed right in the middle of everything on the floor. So funny. :)

tiffany said...

he is sp dang cute so cute he will never get punished for anything he does right?

Michelle - aka Belle said...

I am laughing hysterically right now. Thanks!
Mike says that it's a good thing they are so cute. Otherwise, mothers would totally eat their own young rather that deal with the messes.

mandi said...

Oh my gosh, he's way too cute! I LOVE that picture of him splayed out on the floor - the carpet mess looks so familiar! :) I remember him at the Halloween party - taking off and Tracy chasing after him, trying to keep him contained. So funny and cute!

Kent and Leisy said...

those are some great pictures! I thought Zeb was good at getting into things- but I think your guy has got him beat!

Larry and Cindy said...

That is so cute...I think he is so cute and full of spit and vinegar!! I know he keeps you running. I do think he gets into things more than the other kids. You are a great Mommy!!! Love Ya A&F, MOM