Friday, November 20, 2009

Guns and Music Boxes

Last Saturday was our annual Turkey Shoot.  Ryan was busy with a school play, so he didn't come this year, but Rusty and Sam braved the cold and came with me out to West Mountain with many others from the ward.  It was snowing when we had breakfast, but the clouds broke up a little and it wasn't too bad when the shooting started.  Here are a few pictures.

Sam didn't actually shoot this year.  A 12-gauge is still a bit much, so he bummed around with his friends and collected shells.

Rusty shot well again, but wasn't lucky enough to win a turkey.  Maybe next year!

Here's a shot of several of the youth in an Annie Oakley style competition.
Now for a completely unrelated topic.  I recorded some of my practice time on the piano last Sunday.  I don't often play things flawlessly, and this isn't flawless either, but I got a pretty good rendition of Music Box Dancer, so here it is.  (The setting-the-table noises in the background are an added bonus.)  Feel free to critique!


Linz said...

Tracy!!! That was awesome! That's one of my favorite songs that you play! I am SOOOOO happy that you guys have 1) a grand piano and 2) a camera now! YEA! Keep those videos coming!

And the shooting looked like fun! We need to get Sam out with a 20 gauge!

Unknown said...

What a fun activity! Did just the youth shoot or did you get your turkey?

Michelle said...

Very good! I love that song too ... that piano has such a beautiful tone. We all thoroughly enjoyed that performance over here!

Tracy said...

Actually, Sam tried a 20-gauge last year and it didn't go so well. He needs a few more pounds of padding on his body. :) The adults shoot, too, but I didn't win anything either. :(

tiffany said...

i love love love that song its one of my favorites that you play too