Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wisdom from Kleenex

I just noticed this on the bottom of a box of Kleenexes (we go through a lot of those), and it struck me as both hilarious and profound at the same time.

Kiss calm, cool and collected goodbye!
Don't be bashful. Don't be shy. It's time to unabashedly let it out*! So be messy. Be imperfect. Be liberated and free. Be what you are. Be human. Blow it loud and blow it proud with KLEENEX Tissue.

* Trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. (Yes. That is on the box. Don't abuse the phrase!)


Kristy said...

Loved the "Wisdom from Kleenex" and I wholeheartedly agree!

Linz said...

That's funny!

Unknown said...

How funny! I guess you can find wisdom in a lot of places... lol

tiffany said...

how funny i plug my nose when i sneeze lenny once told me let the snot fly

Larry and Cindy said...

It is so fun when you find funny words of wisdom in the most odd places!!! MOM